I'm back again. I was taking two exams about computer graphics and distributed systems today. But actually it was a lot of maths. Many matrix and vector calculations, conversations between color systems, interpolations and much more. And because they're treating us like in elementary school, we were not allowed to use a calculator or a formulary. You have to know everything by heart, even many weird and complex formulas. Well, it's very interesting, but (you know) exams always suck, and I guess in real life you wouldn't do it without calculator and/or formulary. Or, since it's about computer graphics, these are things a computer does. Why should I do the work of my computer?
Anyway, there were some things that were even worse. On Monday I figured out by accident that I'm not registered for the exams, although I thought I was. The secretary told me that I'm not registered and she cannot reserve a seat for me. After some rude mails from her I called her. She was so uncordial and said she won't reserve a seat for me. She also said that there are only few seats available for unregistered students, and if I won't get one of those precious seats, I'll fail the exams and I'll have to leave the university without any degree.
On Monday (and Tuesday (and Wednesday)) I was afraid I won't be allowed to take these exams. It was so bad. I was always thinking that if I won't get a seat, I've waisted many years and everything I did so far was in vain. Not the best conditions to be preparing for exams. And it sadend me to see how cold and bad the people at my university are. It's very discouraging.
So, today I was very nervous about that whole seat thing. But in the end there was a complete room reserved for people like me and there was enough space. Many others thought they were registered but haven't been. So, why didn't the secretary tell me about that special room, she knew that I was distressed. She has even directed me to the wrong building to claim a seat, although she knew the right building since she was in the same room at the beginning. She gave me three horrible days and I think she actually enjoyed that fact. I can hardly wait to get my degree and never have to go to school again.
Exams and Discomposure
22. März 2006 - 23:57
gosh i so feel ya on the exam thing i hate it!
gosh i so feel ya on the exam thing i hate it!
I feel pretty good about the fact you finaly got a...
I feel pretty good about the fact you finaly got a seat! I knew it :-)
The woman sounds like a bitch but I hope you did g...
The woman sounds like a bitch but I hope you did good in spite of her.
I am happy to hear that at least it DID work out i...
I am happy to hear that at least it DID work out in the end for you. But agree with Mike above. Putting undo stress on you prior to exams is BULLSHIT.