Yesterday I've been to the movies to watch "The Boat That Rocked", or ("Rock Radio Revolution", how it's called in German). It was amazing and hilarious. It's a confession of love to pop and rock music of the sixties.Being a radio host myself, I obviously enjoyed a flick about a pirate radio station on a boat near the coast of Great Britain. They were broadcasting their own 24/7 radio program, because the official public radio station refused to play rock and pop music in the early years. However, 25.000.000 people in the United Kingdom were listening to the pirate radio and loved it. The radio DJs became famous and stars themselfes. While the government tried to get rid of them, they became even more popular.
Go, watch it, it's very entertaining and some parts are hilarious. By the way, the Boat "Radio Rock" never really existed, but the plot is based on true stories. If you liked "Notting Hill", "Love Actually" and "Four Weddings and a Funeral", you'll definitely love this one, too. It's made by the same creatives.
The Boat That Rocked
5. Mai 2009 - 11:55