The Spring-Queen wishes everybody a marvelous and delightful spring and Happy Easter Holidays!
For the curious ones: This picture has been taken on last year's gay pride in Stuttgart, in July 07. I like the raw manliness punctuated by the lei, and the masculine hand posture. We alpha-males really are the butchest. ;-)
First Day of Spring
21. März 2008 - 15:28
Great photo!<br><br>Happy Spring! It may be sprin...
Great photo!
Happy Spring! It may be spring, but it looks like you're gonna get snow in the next couple days. :(
I hope you're doing well. *hugs*
Hello !we love your blog ! i have a blog with my b...
Hello !we love your blog ! i have a blog with my boyfriend :
Do you like it ?
Louis et Quentin ( french boy )