Today, Fabian Schläper came to our studio to record some interview tracks for our next show on sunday night. Actually he was supposed to be a live guest, but he's gonna perform that night somewhere far away. So we recorded the interview.
Fabian Schläper is a cabaret singer and artist and got some important awards recently. And once again: I'm always surprised how cordial and nice artists are. So was he. It was a very pleasant time together with him in our studio, and I'm looking forward to our show on sunday.
Side note: I love the tacky wallpaper. It's great, isn't it? If you like it, you should see the movie Mambo Italiano. It's one of my favourite gay movies and features many tacky wallpapers as well. Even if you don't like the wallpaper. It's hilarious. Unfortunately nobody saw that movie, but it's really very good.
Interview with Fabian Schläper
16. März 2006 - 23:08