Today I got a call from my Dad. He told me that my Grandaunt Erika passed away this weekend.
She was the sister of my Granny. Now all old relatives on my father's side are dead. I can't believe Grandaunt Erika is dead. I havn't seen her often, since she was living in Hamburg which is at the other end of Germany, but she still was very lively for her age. I saw her maybe once or twice a year.
It's her on the picture to the left. It was taken in 2002 when I visited her in Hamburg. She was about 80 years old in 2002. Her husband, my granduncle, died about 20 years ago when I was eleven. He was the one who taught me my first magic tricks. I mean the good tricks. Not the ones every child could do. He knew some excellent tricks, and usually he explained them to me as a reward for something. For example he explained me one after I learned how to ride a bike, after I learned swimming, after ... you get the idea.Here's another picture of my 2002 visit in Hamburg. On the right it's me, then her. And the man on the left side with the white shirt is my dad by the way. He and my aunt (his sister) are going to drive up to Hamburg for the funeral. And I don't know if I should join them or not.
Anyway, he's gonna call me as soon as he knows the details, and I'll decide then.
Grandaunt Erika Passed Away
18. September 2006 - 20:41
aww Rian, I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt. I ...
aww Rian, I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt. I think it's great you're going up there for her funeral.
1. I have been to Hamburg once when I was 20 en route to Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmo, Sweden. It is a very industrial looking city. I arrived at night very late and the next train was hours away. I sat in the station (there were no benches free) on the ground. After an hour I walked down the street a bit and into a "bar". Everyone stopped talking, and the man behind the bar pointed at the door. I went back to the station, sat back down on the ground and waited for the next train. It wasn't a very pleasant experience.
2. Speeking of magic, check out the trailer for "The Prestige" coming out soon in theatres. It looks AMAZING! Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and a cameo by David Bowie.
Im sorry to hear of your families bad news. Wishi...
Im sorry to hear of your families bad news. Wishing you well from Arizona!
Jim, Jimmi, thanks for your nice words and your wi...
Jim, Jimmi, thanks for your nice words and your wishes.
Jim, I'm sorry for the rude behaviour of my fellow citizens. Hamburg actually is a very nice city. It has a big harbour though and that area has an industrial look. Next time you're coming to Germany let me know, I'll show you nicer areas and people. :-)
Jim: by the way, I watched the trailer for "The Pr...
Jim: by the way, I watched the trailer for "The Prestige" on, and it really looks amazing. I want to see that movie. Alas, it'll take much longer until we Germans get to see it, sometimes more than 6 months.
Es tut mir leid, Rian. Jung oder alt, es handelt s...
Es tut mir leid, Rian. Jung oder alt, es handelt sich um ein Familienmitglied. Und das ist immer wichtig.
Du wirst Dich schon richtig entschliessen.
Mein Beileid!
Sorry to hear about your aunt...if you do go, have...
Sorry to hear about your aunt...if you do go, have a safe trip.
And thanks for the advice you left in the comment on my blog.