Good things come in groups of three ...

Here's a meme I found at Ric's. I'm not a big fan of memes, but I've decided to do this one today...

3 smells I love:

  • meadow
  • ocean
  • lovage

3 smells I hate:

  • brimstone
  • mold
  • mushroom

3 jobs that I have had in my life:

  • programmer
  • teacher
  • callcenter agent

3 movies that I could watch over and over:

  • Drei Männer im Schnee (engl. "Three Men in the Snow"), but only the movie from 1955, the one from 1974 is crap.
  • Big Business
  • First Wives Club

3 days of fond memories:

  • first day in the USA
  • when I got my pre-degree
  • when my stage play was performed in front of real audience

3 jobs I would (have) love(d) to have:

  • Software Engineer at HP
  • Stage Director / Movie Director
  • Journalist

3 places that I could live:

  • New York City
  • San Francisco
  • Boston

3 things I like to do:

  • blogging
  • magic
  • reading

3 of my favourite foods:

  • Vermouth chicken
  • Burbon pork tenderloin
  • Tiramisu (so tacky :-) )

3 places I would like to be right now:

  • New York City
  • in Bed
  • somewhere at the ocean

3 websites that I visit daily:

  • Blogger
  • heise
  • spiegel online

If you feel like doing it yourself ...


Wow, after ten years we still have something in common: My "3 websites"-list is exactly the same.
And I do like Tiramisu, is that a problem for a "Stock-Hetero"?

Siggi, why are you visiting Blogger regularly? Are you blogging yourself?

About the Tiramisu ...
Well, sounds very gay, dear friend. I'm getting a little bit concerned. Just kidding. You have two kids to prove that you're straight. However, some of my gay blogger friends have two or three kids as well. ;-)

I'm just teasing you because I hadn't had the opportunity for a long time. If I remember correctly I'm even a registered whitness of your marriage, so I should know better. :-)

Ach, Sie auch lesen den Spiegel! Wunderbar! Ich glaube, ich lese diese Zeitschrift seit... Gott!... 1976! Genau!
Nett von dir, den «Fragebogen» (lol!) zu beantworten!
Alles Gute fürs Examen! :-)

Mensch! Das ist völlig so unglaublich! Du bist geboren an dem Tag, an dem ich in Deutschland angekommen bin! Von Frankfurt bin ich nach Bonn/Köln weitergeflogen und habe in Bad Goddesberg übernachtet. Jetzt bin ich wirklich sprachlos...
Alles Gute!

Ja, Ric, wir sind dann wohl zur selben Zeit in Deutschland angekommen. Aber sicher war es für deinen Piloten einfacher als für meine Mutter. ;-)

Und zum Spiegel ... gut, den lese ich noch nicht seit 1976, du hast gewonnen :-)

... Bei Zeitfragen zu gewinnen ist doch keine köstliche Erfahrung... Noch Belohnung...

way cool i like this i will try 2 do it on my blog soon!

I'm not a fan of mushrooms either Rian, the smell makes me ill.

Hope you are doing well, haven't seen you about in a while!


Ric, naja, "gewinnen" kann man da nicht, da hast du recht, aber das war natürlich auch ironisch gemeint. ;-)

Persian Guy, I really hate the smell of mushrooms. My dad loves to go on mushroom forays, and then he drys them in the oven to preserve them. Of course the smell is everywhere. When I was still at home I hated that so much...