My readers know that I never post random pictures of hot guys on my blog. That's not my mission. Usually I write about personal things in my life. But here's an exception.
Back when we still had our magazine I was always searching for artists to write about their art. We usually had three or four pages featuring an artist each issue. Some were amazing, I liked many things I've seen, and I think I've seen pretty much and quite different things.About two months ago I got an email from Karim Konrad. He's a photographer who has just published "Berlin Gay Mates", his first book of photographs. He introduced himself briefly and sent some of his pictures. When I looked at them I was completely amazed. I can't really say why. I tried it in in German when I wrote my review. I'm not really able to put it in words. But I've never seen pictures like that before. They're colorful, they're bright. It's a candy-coated potpourri of flamboyant colors and erotic guys, of innocent mirth and horny admiration.
I like the composition of the pictures. It's a completely new style (for me), and it just works.
Quite often a picture taken by the featured artist was used as cover for our magazine. Usually I can estimate the success of a cover. The cover is very important. When we had a good cover, the magazine was out of stock in two or three days. If the cover was not perfect, we had to throw some magazines into the recycle bin when the next issue got published.
But I'm sure, one of those pictures on our cover and they would be fighting for the last copies. Unfortunately we're on a break and won't be publishing a new issue before June 2007.I asked Karim if I may write about his book on my blog, and he gave me permission to do so. I'm glad I can show his photographs here, because I think they're really cool. I love those colorful accessoires together with the hot guys.
Ok buddies, check out Karim's Homepage at, there are more cool pictures.
"Berlin Gay Mates" by Karim Konrad
15. Dezember 2006 - 18:55
Der erste sieht ganz geil aus...
Der erste sieht ganz geil aus...